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Jackson Wong
15 years old
Willetton Senior High
<3 FUN
<3 Friendship
<3 Laugh
<3 Smile
<3 Rich
<3 Happy
hate that
hate this
hate that
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dammit Today is rainning. I hate rainny day... dammit.!! haizz... recess and lunch are bored as usual.. i HATE it... ??? why??? wow... got badminton trainning WAS not so bad.. But there is something wrong with me.. !!!! i thought i will play really REALLY good by bringing my racket... but guess what.. can't even imagine it.. !!! haha.. WEll... thought i will never wanna post anymore..(never use blogger except for C-box... )-my c-box is dead... where are you?? JEAN??? hahah... oh well.. guess why i post today.. COZ.... jean sed update your post!!!! hahaha... JEAn.... wao lao... haven't talk to her for a while.. (don't ask why?)/... hmmmm... Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10 NIV |
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Free dress day!!! is coming!!!!!!!!!!! The coming friday!!!! yes.. free dress day!!! hmm.. what should i wear?? lol... anyway tok about last friday!!! i got a baddy tournament!!! Derek and i got into the finals !!! so excited but then we lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another baddy tournament is coming soon on term four.. everyone need to join liao ok!!!!! so that we all get a day off together playing badminton!!! especially JEAN and JACK... need to play this time ok!!!! hahah//.. well get ready for the coming tournament!! go practise and training in the coming holidays GUYS!!!! and GURLs!!!!! we are gonna WIN this time!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sport carnival well.. i am really tireD after the sport carnival..... man.. !!!!!!!! TIRED.. so hard to get a ribbon this year.. unlike last year, i got like five ribbons.. omg.. i am getting worse... probably poeple are getting better and better!!!! haha.. i cut my plam (i was naughty).... hah.. anyway.. not sure whether i can play baddy on friday. coz my plam really hurt!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
UPdate. hey... Everyone wants me to update...... i don't actually what to type here.,.!!! coz.. nothing interesting happened to me since my last post.... .. arrrrrrrr,,... i bought a new guitar two weeks ago and i really like it.... it's a really good guitar and it does cost a lot...well.. as u all know i am working at Mc.D tell u guys waht i will be doing front counter SOON... it is actually quite hard for me i think!!! haha... hmm.. oooo yeah/.. happy birthday to JEAN and JANE..(do u gurls loves my pressie??) the twins... haha... 2nd of september..... And Mine is 22nd of september!!!!! two 2!!!! haha... hmm........ oo.. jane.c !!! i saw the mail that you sent to me liao... HAhahaha... so funny.... can u actually put it on the blog???Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing. Samuel 24:24 |
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Especially 4 Hannah... SUP... lol... dun't really know what to type but since that i haven't update for a long time then i think i should do so!!!!!!!!!!........ hmm,.... let me see.. ermm.. the time has pass quickly, this is the 5th week of this term.. so fast!!! and we are going to have a sport carnival!!(i really like it)/.. and i am in group 9!!!!! with lotsa friends.. haha... "HANNAH" is in my group.. yipeeee... so nice... DErek, Joshep and jack are also in my group... NIce rite!!!! haha.. just wondering anyone is in Emerald faction?? (green)??Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:2-3 |
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy birthday to Sue!!! sup.. everyone.. haven't post for a while... oo well.. i was looking for a new blogskin but can't find any!!!!(too fussy)... haha./.. well.. yesterday was the first time in my life to have a early finish!!!! so kool.. i thought everything are going to be FUN and KOOL.. but it seems like nothing much.. we went to play basketball at the stadium. it was quite funny... after an hour game i went home and took a short shower and went to work. At MC i saw people which i know and two japs.. haha...And he recognised me... (Ryohei).. haha.. I hate Mc now.. coz it's so tiring and bored!!!!!!!It was really busy yesterday... and i was working by myself.. !!! (so crazy)...Happy Birthday to SUE... haha... (if she read blogs)/. !!! May all your wishes come true..!!! If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1-2 |
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Driving experience.... WEll THE FIRST DRIving experience....hahaha.... lol.... not actually first time.. but still haven't drive for ages.... hahaha.... It's really fun... i learn parking and stuffs.... hahaha.... so pro LEH.... hahaha.... DRiving is kool... ... school holidays start from today. Monday is quite bore actually... i haven't do anythings since this morning except having breakfast.... loll... !!!!! nothing to do leh.... i practise my guitar and do nothing much....